At the March 22 General Committee Meeting at City Hall, City councillors approved a motion to provide $30,000 to the downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) for open-air Dunlop programming.
The motion was proposed by Ward 2 Councillor Craig Nixon to provide funding from the municipal accommodation tax reserve.
The Open Air Dunlop program will close Dunlop Street to vehicular traffic, allowing only pedestrians to access the area in order to support local businesses.
Sergio Morales, Ward 9 councillor, who supported the budget wants BIA to give a budget and operations presentation to the council.
“So we can either gain an appreciation for the value that Open Air Dunlop is doing, and also see where we can provide assistance,” he said.
Ward 3 Councillor Ann Marie Kungl expressed her support for the motion, stating that it aligns with the city’s strategic plan to support the arts.
The Council initially supported the program during the Covid pandemic as a means of aiding local businesses.
Clr. Riepma of Ward 1 stated that the BIA should budget for $30,000 for next year’s program; however, he is open to funding it if it expands to every Saturday instead of the currently-planned 10 Saturdays.
At the meeting, the council also approved an amendment to the Yard Maintenance By-Law, which sets fine amounts ranging from $100 to $1,000 depending on the severity of the offence.
These fines will apply to offences such as long grass and weeds, garbage and debris, inoperable vehicles, and any actions that endanger public or occupant safety.
The fines will come into effect once they have been approved by Attorney General of Ontario.
Offenders have 13 days to comply with the violation before the City hires an approved contractor to carry out the prescribed work.
0:00 Intro
00:01:45 $30k to downtown BIA
00:16:00 Yard Maintenance By-Law
00:25:00 Annocements